



Faculty of Forestry USU - BBMKG Region I Medan Sign MoU

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Faculty of Forestry USU - BBMKG Region I Medan Sign MoU

"“The Dean of the Faculty of Forestry USU, Dr. Ir. Rudi Hartono, S.Hut., M.Si., IPM, stated that through the Tri Dharma Higher Education activities, the Faculty of Forestry USU is ready to build collaboration with various parties, especially with BMKG Region I Medan, to carry out various adaptation and mitigation efforts for global climate change, the impacts of which we are all feeling together.”"

USU PR - In commemoration of the 74th World Meteorological Day, the Faculty of Forestry USU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Meteorological, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Region I Medan. The signing ceremony took place at Plaza Rimbawan, Faculty of Forestry Building USU Campus II Kwala Bekala, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

The signing ceremony was carried out by Dr. Ir. Rudi Hartono, S.Hut., M.Si., Dean of the Faculty of Forestry USU and Head of BMKG Region I Medan Dr. Hendro Nugroho, S.T., M.Si., in early May. In his remarks, Dr. Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan, Deputy for Climatology - Meteorological, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of the Republic of Indonesia, stated that the sea and forests are two ecosystems that greatly influence climate dynamics. Therefore, this cooperation can build collaboration between BMKG through BMKG Region I Medan and the Faculty of Forestry USU to develop science and technology useful in controlling climate change.

The Dean of the Faculty of Forestry USU, Dr. Ir. Rudi Hartono, S.Hut., M.Si., IPM, stated that through the Tri Dharma Higher Education activities, the Faculty of Forestry USU is ready to build collaboration with various parties, especially with BMKG Region I Medan, to carry out various adaptation and mitigation efforts for global climate change, the impacts of which we are all feeling together.

Also present to witness the signing of the cooperation were the Head of the Sampali Climatology Station Medan, Wahyudin, S.P., M.I.Kom, the Vice Deans of the Faculty of Forestry USU, the Head of the S-1 Forestry Study Program, Dr. Ir. Tito Sucipto, S.Hut., M.Si., IPU, ASEAN Eng, the Heads of Laboratories, representatives of lecturers and students of the Faculty of Forestry USU

Puska PIMB

The event was also marked by the establishment of the Center for Climate Change and Disaster Management Studies (Puska PIMB) through the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry USU Number 494/UN5.2.2.15/KPM/2024. The Center for Climate Change and Disaster Management Studies (PIMB) is headed by Dr. Achmad Siddik Thoha, S.Hut., M.Si., as the Executive Director of the PIMB Study Center.

The awarding of the Puska PIMB SK was witnessed by Dr. Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan as Deputy for Climatology - Meteorological, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of the Republic of Indonesia who also serves as Vice President, Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Dr. Hendro Nugroho, S.T., M.Si. as Head of the Meteorological, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Region I - Medan, and Dr. Ir. Alfan Gunawan Ahmad, S.Hut., M.Si., Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Forestry USU and Executive Secretary of Puska PIMB Faculty of Forestry USU. The launching of Puska PIMB is one of the series of events in commemoration of the 74th World Meteorological Day which carries the theme "At The Frontline of Climate Action".

The Dean of the Faculty of Forestry USU hopes that Puska PIMB can immediately prepare programs and follow-up activities based on the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Forestry USU and BMKG Region I Medan. The launching of Puska PIMB is also momentum for the Faculty of Forestry USU to provide global support in controlling climate change through the Tridharma Higher Education activities. (Ida/RJ)

Author: Renny Julia - staf humas

Interviewee: Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Purwoko, S.Hut., M.Si. - Wadek II Fahut USU

Photographer: istimewa - istimewa


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