



Moodle "Exercise and Nutrition Management in Cancer"

Published At12 February 2024
Published ByBambang Riyanto
Moodle "Exercise and Nutrition Management in Cancer"
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This event is the beginning of a 10 week course which can be visited on the University of Nicosia website. This online course using the Moodle platform is a form of lifelong course which can be taken by medical students, general practitioners and other health practitioners.

Rector of the Universitas Sumatera Utara, MrProf Dr Muryanto Amin, S.Sos, M.Si,opened the launch of the Moodle life long learning (LLL) course "Exercise and Nutrition Management in Cancer" in collaboration with the University of Nicosia and the Universitas Sumatera Utara, On Thursday 1 February 2024. He revealed that this activity supports QS rankings, increases international collaboration, and achieves key performance indicators 6 and 7, namely study programs collaborating with world-class partners and collaborative and participatory classes.

This event is the beginning of a 10 week course which can be visited on the University of Nicosia website. This online course using the Moodle platform is a form of lifelong course which can be taken by medical students, general practitioners and other health practitioners.

Furthermore, the USU Rector supports this activity and USU is developing collaboration with the University of Nicosia (UNIC) in Cyprus as the goal of the SPIRIT Project, namely a lifelong learning model teaching method. In this case, UNIC is more open in developing this project, USU has learned a lot from UNIC. Not only that, several UNIC teaching staff also play a role in giving lectures and serving as guest lecturers at USU. The mentor of LLL is Kyriakos E Georgiou, he is the coordinator of the University of Nicosia, and explained various technicalities of the process of using the UNIC-USU moodle.

The SPIRIT project aims to develop academic programs and train teachers and coaches in physical education, sports science and nutrition who will join schools and clubs and implement this new framework. The results that have been achieved from this project are the development of a selected curriculum syllabus at USU and the development of lifelong online courses for students, sports clubs, associations and local communities. These are the main results of the SPIRIT 2021-2024 project.

This program is an activity of the Erasmus Plus funding project SPIRIT which is entering its third year. The basis of this program is SPIRIT which is an abbreviation of the Project for Sport and Physical Education as a Vehicle for Inclusion and Recognition in India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka (SPIRIT) which is based on the premise that a healthy mind and a healthy body are essential for the well-being of society and time. The most appropriate place to start building it is at a young age. This is the reason why this project aims to develop academic programs and train teachers and coaches in physical education, sports science and nutrition who will join schools and clubs and implement this new framework. The outputs of this project include work package 2.3, namely the development of a syllabus for the selected curriculum at USU and work package 3.2, namely the development of online lifelong learning courses for sports clubs, associations and local communities which are the main results of the SPIRIT project. 2021-2024.

Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) does not yet have a physical activity and nutrition program in sports, so based on The SPIRIT project, a new course was developed to meet the needs of sports education. There are three new modules, namely (i) Sports Nutrition, (ii) Physical Education, and (iii) Sports Management which will be delivered in eight courses led by the Bachelor of Medicine Program and Master of Biomedical Sciences Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara. There are two course models for this program, namely the regular teaching model called Conventional Courses (CC) and the e-learning teaching model called Life Long Learning (LLL) Courses.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Prof.Dr.dr. Aldy Safruddin Rambe, SpS(K) provided his support for this ongoing activity. Moodle is a lifelong learning experience with the teaching team Dr. Dr. Kamal Basri Siregar, M.Ked (Surgery), SpB(K) Onk, FICS MHKes, Dr.dr. Eka Roina Megawati, M.Kes, Dr.dr. Yetty Machrina, M.Kes, AIFO-K, SpKKLP, Prof.Dr.dr. Dina Keumala Sari, M. Gizi, SpGK.

The SPIRIT project focuses on three important issues for Asia and Asian universities are developing (a) academic programs in the fields of physical education, nutrition and sports science (b) programs to combat the increase in chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) which have become a major disease. global health problems in low and middle income countries and (c) providing social inclusion in sport for people and groups of people who are excluded because of age, gender, social status, religious beliefs, sexual preferences, physical condition and abilities.

Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is developing a physical activity and nutrition program in sports, so that based on The SPIRIT project new courses have been prepared to meet the needs of sports education. There are three new modules, namely (i) Sports Nutrition, (ii) Physical Education, and (iii) Sports Management which will be delivered in eight courses led by the Bachelor of Medicine Program and Master of Biomedical Sciences Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra. There are two course models for this program, namely the regular teaching model called Conventional Courses (CC) and the e-learning teaching model called Life Long Learning (LLL) Courses. Therefore, this is the history of the first time implementing an LLL course using UNIC Moodle.

Author: Renny Julia - Staf Humas

Interviewee: Prof Dr dr Dina Keumala Sari, M Gizi, Sp GK (K) - Dosen USU

Photographer: Istimewa - Istimewa

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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