SPs USU Invites 102 Figures to Commemorate the 37th Annivers
Deputy Governor of North Sumatra H. Musa Rajekshah, S.Sos., M.Hum said, USU, which is currently growing as an educational institution with the Provincial and City District governments, will increase its research and knowledge so that it can provide advice to the government, especially in terms of the economy.
PUBLIC RELATION USU - The Postgraduate School (SPs) of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held its 37th Anniversary with a series of events in the form of a public lecture entitled "Multi-Disciplinary Policy Strategy for USU's Postgraduate Science Towards a World Class University". This event was held on Monday (12/5/2022) at the USU Postgraduate School.
Deputy Governor of North Sumatra H. Musa Rajekshah, S.Sos., M.Hum said, USU, which is currently growing as an educational institution with the Provincial and City District governments, will increase its research and knowledge so that it can provide advice to the government, especially in terms of the economy.
"USU together with the provincial and city district governments will develop both from research, science, and also provide input to the government. We hope that in the future the communication will be even more intense. USU has been increasingly developing in the world of education as well as postgraduates. We will see again what has become regional potential, can give us input," the deputy governor said.
USU Rector Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si emphasized that the Universitas Sumatera Utara Postgraduate School at the age of 37 can continue to carry out various collaborations that are not only beneficial for students but also for the community and the progress of the province of North Sumatra in line with what was conveyed by the Deputy Governor North Sumatra.
"The role of postgraduates at the age of 37 has a collaboration that must benefit the community. So this collaboration that is to be built is with universities abroad to be able to contribute to the development of North Sumatra Province together with the Provincial Government and Regency/District Governments. City," the Rector mentioned.
USU Postgraduate School Director Prof. Ir. T. Sabrina, M.Agr. Sc., Ph.D hopes that the interesting suggestions made regarding multi-disciplines and collaboration between science and technology and social sciences and humanities can be realized through the support of the government's role.
"We hope for input regarding the specifics of multi-disciplines, actually this is very interesting because there are many collaborations between science and social sciences. I hope that collaboration with the government and the community will make this postgraduate even bigger," she explained.
The Postgraduate School of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held its 37th Anniversary with a series of events in the form of a public lecture entitled "USU's Postgraduate Multi-Disciplinary Policy Strategy Towards a World Class University". This event was held on Monday (12/5/2022) at the USU Postgraduate School.
Deputy Governor of North Sumatra H. Musa Rajekshah, S.Sos., M.Hum said that USU, which is currently growing as an educational institution with the Provincial and City District governments, will increase its research and knowledge so that it can provide advice to the government, especially in terms of the economy.
"USU together with the provincial and city district governments will develop both from research, science, and also provide input to the government. We hope that in the future the communication will be even more intense. USU has been increasingly developing in the world of education as well as postgraduates. We will see again what has become regional potential, can give us input," said the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra.
USU Rector Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si emphasized that the Universitas Sumatera Utara Postgraduate School at the age of 37 can continue to carry out various collaborations that are not only beneficial for students but also for the community and the progress of the province of North Sumatra in line with what was conveyed by the Deputy Governor North Sumatra.
"The role of postgraduates at the age of 37 has a collaboration that must benefit the community. So this collaboration that is to be built is with universities abroad to be able to contribute to the development of North Sumatra Province together with the Provincial Government and Regency/District Governments. City," the Rector of USU said.
USU Postgraduate School Director Prof. Ir. T. Sabrina, M.Agr. Sc., Ph.D hopes that the interesting suggestions made regarding multi-disciplines and collaboration between science and technology and social sciences and humanities can be realized through the support of the government's role.
"We hope for input regarding the specifics of multi-disciplines, actually this is very interesting because there are various collaborations between science and social sciences. I hope that collaboration with the government and the community will make this postgraduate even bigger," the Director of the USU Postgraduate School conveyed.
Chairman of the USU 37th Postgraduate School Anniversary Committee Dr. Ir. Satia Negara Lubis M.Ec explained that there were 102 major public figures in the world of education presented to commemorate the 37th Anniversary of USU Postgraduate School. The USU Postgraduate School is ready to take on the big task of developing and supporting the Universitas Sumatera Utara towards a World Class University.
"Today we invite 102 major figures in the field of education who are very well known. This event will be remembered because it is packed full of scientific dynamics by not forgetting interesting entertainment, of course the 37-year-old multidisciplinary graduate school of the Universitas Sumatera Utara is ready to participate. holds a big task in the development and support the Universitas Sumatera Utara towards a World Class University," she explained. (©ULC)
Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas
Interviewee: - - -
Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas