



The KPK Team Conducts a Socialization Session for USU Studen

Published At06 June 2024
Published ByBambang Riyanto
The KPK Team Conducts a Socialization Session for USU Studen
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"We also have the MBKM platform that provides internship positions at the KPK, which we hope USU students can participate in for 2-4 months to assist the KPK in eradicating corruption in Indonesia," added Vice Rector I of USU.

USU PR—The Directorate of Registration and Examination of LHKPN at the Prevention and Monitoring Deputy of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) conducted a socialization event on the community's involvement in preventing corruption crimes. This event occurred at the Digital Learning Centre Building on Wednesday (May 29, 2024)

Dr. Edy Ikhsan SH., MA, Vice Rector I of USU, stated that this activity is a great opportunity for students as it is a crucial element in assisting the KPK in combating corruption, especially now that asset reports can be viewed transparently. Students can report any abnormal or unreasonable income developments.

"We also have the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) platform that provides internship positions at the KPK, which we hope USU students can participate in for 2-4 months to assist the KPK in eradicating corruption in Indonesia," added Vice Rector I of USU.

According to Safrina, an Analyst of Corruption Crime Prevention, this socialization activity focuses on enhancing the community's involvement, where students play a significant role in supervising the wealth management of state officials, accessible to the public as community oversight. Students can monitor activities such as social assistance funds, village funds, and education through the JAGA platform and report cases.

As critical members of society, students have the right to participate in supervising state officials. Students will gain a deep understanding of how to interpret asset report announcements.

Students can also volunteer for the KPK to oversee state administration, diving into deeply concerning issues for the country. Hafidhah Rifqiyah, an Analyst of Corruption and Crime Prevention and the speaker at this socialization event endorses this notion. Students become Agents of Change, expected to elevate legal structures in Indonesia to eradicate corruption.

Through this event, Hafidhah emphasized that students can avoid corrupt behavior by embracing and applying existing anti-corruption values. Everything students do now will undoubtedly impact their future careers. Instilling moral values begins with oneself and then spreads to others.

"Like our motto, Integrity, the most important part is the letter 'I,' which means 'me.' It implies that anti-corruption behavior starts with me first and then spreads to others," confidently added Hafidhah.

Author: bambang riyanto - staf humas

Interviewee: Edy Ikhsan SH., MA - Wakil Rektor I USU

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Staf Humas


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