



USU and Chiba University of Commerce Finalize Cooperation Agreement

Published At27 March 2024
Published ByBambang Riyanto
USU and Chiba University of Commerce Finalize Cooperation Agreement
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Today, we welcomed Dr. Takako Hashimoto. We will proceed with executing the cooperation, starting with the summer course programs, where we will send students to the Chiba University of Commerce, and they will also send students here for our summer course program. The next step will be a one-semester exchange for our students there. For now, the most feasible action is to conduct the summer course program this year,” said Prof. Poppy.


USU PR - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) welcomed a visit from Chiba University of Commerce (CUC) as a follow-up to the cooperation agreement established between the two institutions. The meeting took place in the Rector's Audience Room, Central Administration Bureau Building of USU, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

USU Vice-Rector III, Prof. Dr. Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun Hasibuan, S.Si., M.Si., Apt., stated that the visit by Dr. Takako Hashimoto, Director of the International Center at CUC, was an effort to enhance cooperation with CUC. One of the main initiatives discussed was the summer course programs, which involve student exchanges between the two universities. USU has shown significant interest in this initiative, with plans to send two students this year as a first step.

“Last year, we signed an MoU. Today, we welcomed Dr. Takako Hashimoto. We will proceed with executing the cooperation, starting with the summer course programs, where we will send students to the Chiba University of Commerce, and they will also send students here for our summer course program. The next step will be a one-semester exchange for our students there. For now, the most feasible action is to conduct the summer course program this year,” said Prof. Poppy.

Prof. Poppy explained that USU shares a vision with Chiba University regarding renewable energy on campus. Both institutions have a mutual understanding of the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact rankings, which emphasize the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including renewable energy.

“Of course, because we both participate in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact rankings, where the assessment focuses on the SDGs, we share the same understanding regarding renewable energy,” she added.

Dr. Takako Hashimoto, Director of the International Center at CUC, explained that the purpose of her visit to USU was to promote and strengthen cooperation between the two institutions, particularly in student and faculty exchanges. The program offers students the opportunity to learn about Japanese culture and economy, as well as related subcultures like animation, through communication with both Japanese and international students in English.

“Yes, we have an agreement between these universities—Universitas Sumatera Utara and our university, Chiba University of Commerce—and I want to promote and empower our collaboration further, especially in student and faculty exchanges,” explained Dr. Takako Hashimoto.

Furthermore, Dr. Takako Hashimoto stated that CUC views USU as a long-term partner. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the cooperation between the two universities has continued. This meeting aimed to renew the existing agreement and improve communication, with the hope of expanding cooperation beyond summer programs to include semester-long student and faculty exchanges.

“We actually have a long-standing agreement. Before COVID-19, USU had already sent students to our university, and they have continued to do so afterward. We are renewing the existing contract, and I hope we can communicate more closely, not only through summer exchange programs but also through semester-long student exchanges and faculty exchanges. We want to expand our collaboration,” she concluded.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Public Relations  
Interviewee: Prof. Poppy Anjelisa - USU Vice-Rector III
Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Public Relations

SDGs 4
SDGs 17

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