



USU and Dewan Dakwah Strengthen Religious Spirituality on Campus

Published At12 August 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU and Dewan Dakwah Strengthen Religious Spirituality on Campus
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“They will not just continue learning about, for example, the pillars of Islam and faith because those are basic foundations we have already established. Instead, they will explore the relevance of a verse to the development of da’wah,” he said.

The Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., welcomed a delegation from the Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah of North Sumatra Province. The meeting, held in the Rector's Audience Room on Monday, July 29, 2024, was conducted in a warm atmosphere and focused on potential collaborations.


Dewan Dakwah has partnered with USU as an educational institution to collaborate in advancing society, which is in line with Dewan Dakwah’s goals in the social, humanitarian, and religious sectors, particularly in creating an Islamic way of life.


The USU Rector mentioned that in the future, students attending Islamic Religion classes will learn about the pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith and will also delve deeper into topics such as the relevance of Quranic verses to life.


“They will not just continue learning about, for example, the pillars of Islam and faith because those are basic foundations we have already established. Instead, they will explore the relevance of a verse to the development of da’wah,” he said.


Chairul Azhar, S.Si., M.Si., the Chairman of the Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah of North Sumatra, stated that further discussions will outline specific collaboration initiatives, particularly in Human Resources (HR). One key area of collaboration is student development programs.


“Because these students are the future leaders, it's important to focus not only on theoretical aspects but also practical applications,” he said.


Prof. Dr. Arlinda Sari Wahyuni, the Vice Chair and Chair of the Muslim section mentioned that while collaborations will span various faculties, the initial focus will be on the Faculties of Medicine and Agriculture.


“We have many outreach areas in remote regions where expertise in various fields is needed,” she said.


It is hoped that USU and Dewan Dakwah will collaborate and leverage each other’s expertise and resources to advance knowledge, education, and the spread of positive Islamic values.

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