



USU and Muroran Discuss Oil Palm Research

Published At30 September 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU and Muroran Discuss Oil Palm Research
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“We are very excited about this collaboration. This is a golden opportunity for our students and lecturers to share knowledge and experience, especially in the field of technology and research,” said Prof. Mury.

USU PR - The Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) once again held a cooperation hearing with one of the Japanese campuses of the Muroran Institute of Technology. This existing cooperation is getting stronger by discussing the development of research and technology. This audience was held in the Rector's Audience Room on Wednesday (09/25/2024).

USU Rector Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., welcomed the lecturers and four students of the Muroran Institute of Technology. With this long-standing cooperation, it opens up opportunities for lecturers and students to share knowledge and conduct joint research.

“We are very excited about this collaboration. This is a golden opportunity for our students and lecturers to share knowledge and experience, especially in the field of technology and research,” he said.

The Rector further said that in research development, USU invited the Muroran Institute of Technology to research in the field of palm oil because one of the largest natural resources in North Sumatra is the palm commodity.

“Inviting researchers from Muroran to take part in the field of palm oil so that palm oil is researched,” he added.

Prof. Hideki Kawai, from the Muroran Institute of Technology, explained that the meeting between the two sides would directly produce research not only on palm oil but also on carbon neutral in the energy sector. The joint research will later be published in international research journals.

“Because it is hoped that if it is promoted, it can produce joint publications. In the future, rather than being separated by distance, it is better to meet,” he said.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Himsar Ambarita, S.T., M.T, as Director of the USU Directorate of Internationalization and Global Partnerships mentioned his hope that this joint research will improve the reputation of USU in the future. He also added that both parties would support each other's internationalization programs.

“We can support each other in several internationalization programs. USU can work together with Muroran to improve reputation and joint research,” he added.


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