



USU Public Relations Coordination Meeting: Prepare Evaluation of Public Information Disclosure

Published At25 September 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU Public Relations Coordination Meeting: Prepare Evaluation of Public Information Disclosure
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“To get an informative predicate in public information disclosure requires hard work and also collaboration from various units in providing information and data,” said Amalia.

USU PR - Public Relations, Protocol, and Promotion of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held a coordination meeting with various internal units to prepare for the evaluation of monitoring of public information disclosure that will be carried out by the Central Information Commission. This activity took place in the Academic Senate Meeting room on Wednesday, (11/09/24).

Public information disclosure is an important agenda, where USU again targets the informative predicate that has been achieved for the past 3 years. This predicate shows that USU is able to provide information that is transparent and easily accessible to the public, who have the right to know information from public bodies.

To be able to maintain the informative predicate again, the Head of USU Public Relations, Amalia Meutia, M.Psi, Psychologist, emphasized the importance of cross-unit collaboration in providing the data needed to support the evaluation.

“To get an informative title in public information disclosure requires hard work and also collaboration from various units in providing information and data,” said Amalia.

The Head of Public Relations said that this assessment is carried out annually to ensure that public bodies provide access to clear and credible information. With a clear target, he hopes that through this coordination meeting, all the data needed can be collected on time to complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) before the year-end assessment.

“SAQ must be filled in by every public body to be assessed later, and the results will be announced at the end of the year,” Amalia explained.

This step is part of USU's commitment to continue to prioritize information disclosure and serve the public's need for reliable data access.


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