



Vice Rector I Leads the Morning Meeting to Discuss the Work Plan

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Renny Julia Harahap

Vice Rector I Leads the Morning Meeting to Discuss the Work Plan

""Therefore, we also ask BPN to sort out the existing resources and then look at the work unit under Vice Rector I to be able to collaborate," said Vice Rector I."


USU PR - Vice Rector I for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni Affairs of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Dr. Edy Ikhsan, S.H., M.A. led the implementation of a routine morning apple held in the courtyard of the Rector's Bureau on Monday, ( 07/01/2024).


In his mandate, Dr. Edy Ikhsan, S.H., M.A., expressed his gratitude to all dedicated academicians during this even semester of 2023-2024.


"Hopefully, it will be amal jariyah for all of you," said Vice Rector I.


Entering the new semester in mid-August, Dr. Edy said there will be greater responsibilities and workload challenges than before. Therefore, he appealed to the entire academic community to prepare and complete their responsibilities in these two months.


In various work units, several important things must be completed. This includes the institution of curriculum and learning innovation. Based on the latest records, only about 40% of study programs have completed the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum, while the remaining 60% are still in process. Therefore, the Vice Rector asked the team at the curriculum innovation institute to immediately map out steps and make a more planned schedule to complete this matter.


"To start mapping the way and make a more planned schedule to accomplish that," said Vice Rector I.


At the Quality Assurance Agency, efforts are being made to prepare for assessors conducting field visitations for 16 study programs projected to become international study programs. In addition, Vice Rector I also asked BPN to oversee the completion of several academic rector regulations at all levels of education.


"Therefore, we also ask BPN to sort out the existing resources and then look at the work unit under Vice Rector I to be able to collaborate," said Vice Rector I.


The Vice Rector I also requested the cooperation of the Directorate of Education Development with BPN to complete all derivative policies because many rector decrees must be prepared. These policies are mandatories that must be completed so academic regulations can be carried out properly. Dr. Edy hopes that these policies can be completed before next semester.


"There are too many rector decrees that must be prepared, and it is immediately noted that rector decrees are mandatories that must be completed," he said.


With good cooperation and high commitment, Vice Rector I is confident that this challenge can be faced and the common goal can be achieved. He invited all staff and lecturers to prepare themselves and welcome the odd semester 2024/2025 with enthusiasm and dedication.

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