



Vice Rector IV Leads Morning Meeting to Discuss RKA and IKU 8

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Renny Julia Harahap

Vice Rector IV Leads Morning Meeting to Discuss RKA and IKU 8

""The first target is so that all work programs can be achieved, of course, the priority ones. Then we can also achieve high budget realization," said Prof. Opim."


USU PR - Vice Rector IV for Information, Planning, and Development, Prof. Dr. Drs. Opim Salim, M.Sc., led the routine morning assembly of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) in the rector's bureau yard on Monday ( 07/15/2024).


In his mandate, Vice Rector IV said that USU had carried out budget evaluation and refocusing in each work unit to ensure the implementation of activity plans and budgets in 2024. The main focus of this budget evaluation is an effort to meet the IKU 8 standard, namely international accreditation for study programs.


"The first target is so that all work programs can be achieved, of course, the priority ones. Then we can also achieve high budget realization," said Prof. Opim.


The Vice Rector IV appreciated the hard work of the Priority Program Evaluation Board and the team dedicated to this evaluation process. In addition, appreciation was also given to the Sirenbang team, which helped with budget-refocusing activities.


"This RKA refocusing activity is also carried out while preparing the RKA-P in 2024," said Prof. Opim.


On the other hand, Prof. Opim said that USU continues to be committed to building Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to move towards One Data USU. The implementation of ERP is expected to increase the efficiency of data and information management within USU.


"One more thing that continues to be a commitment to build enterprise resource planning to get to one data USU," said Prof. Opim.


Prof. Dr. Drs. Opim Salim, M.Sc., also conveyed other tasks that are also a concern are managing work unit RKA, reporting on the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) and the Ministry of Research and Technology Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP) with the Ministry of Research and Technology, developing information systems, managing websites, coordinating digital promotion tasks, and managing quality university libraries. These efforts are made to continuously improve USU's performance and become a leading university nationally, regionally, and internationally.


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