



Community Service Activity

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Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity

USU LPPM Team Builds a More Modern Desa Perkebunan Tanjung Kasau

Ismayadi explained the Desa Binaan Perkebunan Tanjung Kasau Team is planning to bring 4 major village theme programs that will be realized, namely Desa Sehat, Desa Ekonomi Bangkit, Desa Wisata Budaya, and Desa Literasi Digital.

06 August 2022

Berita Universitas
SDGs 1
University Activity
Community Service Activity
SDGs 1

Recent Portraits of Mangrove Recovery in Lubuk Kertang

Results never betray effort and struggle. This quote describes the current condition of the mangrove area in Lubuk Kertang, West Brandan District, Langkat Regency-North Sumatra. After a long struggle, the collaboration of local communities, NGOs, academics, lawyers, and the government, now the mangrove ecosystem, which was disturbed and severely affected by encroachment, is recovering and greening.

08 June 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity

USU Lecturer Team Assists Farmers to Increase Potato Production

Semangat Village is one of the villages located in Merdeka District, Karo Regency, approximately 70 km from the Universitas Sumatera Utara campus in Medan City. The team of lecturers from the Universitas Sumatera Utara through the Institute of Community Service has conducted a service village program in Semangat Village by producing several facilities, including clean water facilities that are used by the community to meet clean water needs, soil testing equipment to determine soil content, and agricultural tractors that are used by the community to do tillage and others.

18 April 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity

FEB USU Conducted Aquaponic Catfish Farming Community Service in Medan Belawan

Medan Belawan Sub-district is one of the areas in Medan City directly adjacent to the Strait of Malacca in its northern part. This border makes marine activities very common in the area. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Regional Head I is located in Medan Belawan Sub-district, which contributes to various economic activities and employment. Many locals work as fishermen who harvest seafood.

10 February 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity

PUI Mangrove Supports Carbon Storage in Lubuk Kertang Village

Mangrove is a type of plant that is generally located in the transition area of land and sea ecosystems. Mangrove forests have a major role for marine life and also as a barrier to the land behind it. Today, mangrove forests also serve an important function as carbon sinks. One example of mangrove plants that have nutritional components that can be utilized, for example: red pidada (Sonneratia caseolaris), white pidada (Sonneratia alba), and jeruju (Acanthus ilicifolius L).

10 February 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity

USU Lecturer Team Optimizes Frozen Meatball Online Culinary Business

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has not yet ended in Indonesia, has caused many workers to be laid off and resulted in a decrease in income. To overcome this problem, many of them have started home-based businesses. However, these home-based businesses are still unable to compete with large-scale businesses.

03 February 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity

Rumah Galuh Village USU's Social Laboratory

The beauty of Pelaruga Waterfall is an economic magnet for the surrounding community, especially Rumah Galuh Village. To maintain and ensure the sustainability of the green ecosystem in the area, research lecturers from the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) took the initiative to provide assistance and make it a Social Laboratory.

06 December 2021

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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