



25 Anesthesiology & Intensive Therapy Specialists Inaugurated

Published At05 February 2024
Published ByBambang Riyanto
25 Anesthesiology & Intensive Therapy Specialists Inaugurated
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25 Anesthesiology & Intensive Therapy Specialists Inaugurated


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Monday, 05 February 2024

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Bambang Riyanto


"You have a great responsibility to provide high-quality care to the community. This success is also the result of the support and guidance of the teachers. For that, let us welcome them with the hope that they will become pioneers in improving health service standards,” said Muhammad Anggia Muchtar, S.T., MMIT.

USU PR - The Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) carried out the Inauguration and Submission of Expertise Marks of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Specialists to 25 new specialists. The activity took place at the Adimulia Hotel Grand Ballroom on Saturday (03/02/2024).

Through this inauguration, the FK USU Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Study Program recorded an achievement with the highest number of graduates inaugurated throughout the history of the study program, namely 25 new specialists.

Director of the USU Directorate of Education Development Muhammad Anggia Muchtar, S.T., MMIT, expressed his appreciation and hopes that the 25 newly appointed specialists can carry out their responsibilities with dedication in health services.

“You have a great responsibility to provide high-quality care to the community. This success is also the result of the support and guidance of the teachers. For this reason, let us welcome them with the hope that they will become pioneers in improving health service standards,” said Muhammad Anggia Muchtar, S.T., MMIT.

Muhammad Anggia Muchtar, S.T., MMIT, also highlighted the lack of experts in anesthesiology and intensive therapy in Indonesia. These graduates are expected to make a significant contribution to addressing the need for health services.

“Now they are on their own, no longer under the guidance or supervision of their seniors. So hopefully, they will be more independent and able to help the entire community throughout Indonesia because we do lack anesthesiology and intensive therapy personnel,” said Muhammad Anggia Muchtar, S.T., MMIT.

Vice Dean II FK USU Dr. dr. Muara Panusunan Lubis, M.Ked (OG), Sp.OG (K) stated that this achievement cannot be separated from the contribution of educators. He revealed that the study program has superior accreditation and a good environment that has a positive impact on the educational process.

“The study program has superior accreditation, which is an extraordinary achievement, and a department that is very conducive and compact, which affects the education of students. Surely, FK is proud of this, and it can contribute 25 alumni in this period to help improve health in all regions spread throughout the country,” said Dr. dr. Muara Panusunan Lubis, M.Ked (OG), Sp.OG (K).

Dr. dr. Muara Panusunan Lubis, M.Ked(OG), Sp.OG(K) expressed his appreciation for the success of the study program and said this achievement reflects the quality of the study program education that has been implemented effectively.

“This is quite proud of the history of intensive therapy anesthesiology. This is the largest group that took the national exam, and all of them passed. The Ministry of Health has noted that anesthesia requires specialists in the regions. We hope they can spread throughout the country. This means that the learning system inside, from these results, we consider that this is good,” said Dr. dr. Muara Panusunan Lubis, M.Ked (OG), Sp.OG (K).

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Public Relations

Interviewee: Muhammad Anggia Muchtar, S.T., MMIT. - Director of USU Education Development Directorate

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Public Relations

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