



USU SPIRIT Project Introduces The Role of Genes in Nutrition

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USU SPIRIT Project Introduces The Role of Genes in Nutrition

"This topic is very interesting because nutrition has a dominant role and identifies nutritional responses to disease conditions. Apart from that, physical activity can be influenced by genes, both in performance in sports and endurance in physical activity. "

Entering the final year of the Erasmus Plus SPIRIT Project, the Universitas Sumatera Utara is presenting a mini seminar on the role of genes in nutrition and physical activity in collaboration with various nutritional associations and hospitals. The hospitals involved are Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan and Prof Hospital Chairuddin P Lubis, as a teaching hospital.

Apart from that, nutritional associations are also involved, namely the Association of Clinical Nutritionists (PDGKI) and the Association of Medical Nutritionists (PDGMI). This topic is very interesting because nutrition has a dominant role and identifies nutritional responses to disease conditions. Apart from that, physical activity can be influenced by genes, both in performance in sports and endurance in physical activity.

This event was opened by Prof Dr Dr Dina Keumala Sari, M. Gizi, SpGK, as coordinator of the USU SPIRIT Project, then this event will be presented by dr Hilna Khairunisa Shabayar, M. Gizi, SpGK, AIFO-K, this event will be moderated by dr. Meriza Martineta, M. Nutrition. This event will be held on Saturday, May 18th,2024 at 01.00 PM until finished. The event will be held at JM. Bariani House Restaurant will support this event along with other sponsors. The plan is to be followed by general practitioners with a specialization in nutrition and other health practitioners. This activity is an output of the SPIRIT Project in the form of dissemination of activities to introduce exercise and proper nutrition in preventing non-communicable diseases.

Author: Renny Julia - staf humas

Interviewee: Prof. Dr. dr. Dina Keumala Sari M.Gizi., Sp.GK(K) - Dosen FK USU

Photographer: istimewa - istimewa


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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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